Москва - (495) 204-28-08
Санкт-Петербург - (812) 424-56-18
Екатеринбург - (343) 357-93-03

Email для запросов: incoll@incoll.ru
Казань - (843) 202-39-84
Нижний Новгород - (831) 261-37-10
Новосибирск - (383) 227-85-67
Самара - (846) 229-56-95
Ростов-на-Дону - (863) 209-87-79

INCOL - operative delivery of industrial stuffs

Thank you for visiting our site.

Founded in 1992 our company has become the first official distributor of RS Components (UK) in the Russia. Nowadays INCOL Ltd continues the trends and is a leading supplier of electrical, electronic and industrial products. During the years we got a good experience in promoting the large scale of various spare parts, components and industrial products of foreign manufacturers in the area of B2B business in the Russian market.

INCOL Ltd is a financially stable company with a seasoned leadership team, which continues to strive for improvement of personal and professional skills and the quality of services. Our customers are small and large companies of the whole areas of industries: metallurgy, steel, oil, gas, chemical industry, machine-tool industry, cosmetic industry, food engineering, geographically situated all over the Russia and Russian language spoken countries, as well.

We are sure your products have to be presented in Russian version. The best way is when the information /content/ is given in Russian language at Russian website, so that the Russian customers could easily find and get acquainted with your products.

In view of the aforesaid we draw your attention to the following company’s services:

  1. To make a business card of your company with description of your products, pictures. We are able to place the present information at our website in Russian language with the reference to your website, so that the Russian customer could contact directly with our/your sales managers and technical support team.

  2. To make a special website as Internet shop with pictures, prices, for the Russian Internet public. Our manager will answer all questions and queries; will pass on requests for your products from Russian spoken customers to you. It will help you in understanding of the development of Russian market, as well as demands and needs for your products in the Russia.

  3. To assist you with opening your company’s affiliate and/or to help you in a presence of your business interest in the Russia by using our experience and company’s staff.

We will assist you in payments, transportation, customs clearance of your products in the Russia and delivery to your future customer. We will do our best to promote your goods in Russian market

You get the best way inexpensively to promote your products into the Russian market. We hope to be able to work together to ensure a mutually beneficial and profitable partnership.

If you are interested in the given partnership, please feel free to contact us:

ADDRESS: INCOL Ltd Tel.: + 007 343 357 9303
Kominterna No 16, Ekaterinburg, 620078, Russia

Website: incoll.ru

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